Kitchen Extract Cleaning Standards

In the dynamic and demanding environment of commercial kitchens, maintaining cleanliness is not just a matter of aesthetics; it is a crucial aspect of ensuring safety, efficiency, and compliance with industry standards. Cater Clean 24 Seven, a leading player in the kitchen extract cleaning industry, has been steadfast in its commitment to upholding the highest standards. In this discussion, we will delve into how Cater Clean 24 Seven adheres to the National Occupation Standards BSEHV11, the TR/19 guidelines, as well as the regulations set forth by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and building regulations in the United Kingdom.

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National Occupation Standards BSEHV11

The National Occupation Standards (NOS) BSEHV11, developed by industry experts and regulators, provide a comprehensive framework for the cleaning and maintenance of kitchen extract systems. Cater Clean 24 Seven meticulously follows these standards to ensure that their services are aligned with the industry’s best practices.

The National Occupation Standards (NOS) BSEHV11 emphasises the significance of staff competency and the use of appropriately trained and skilled personnel. Cater Clean 24 Seven places a high priority on hiring and training technicians who possess the necessary expertise to carry out kitchen extract cleaning effectively. Regular training programs are conducted to keep the team updated on the latest industry developments and safety protocols. This commitment to ongoing education not only enhances the skill set of the workforce but also guarantees compliance with the rigorous standards set forth by NOS BSEHV11.

One of the key aspects highlighted by the NOS BSEHV11 is the importance of risk assessment. Cater Clean 24 Seven conducts a thorough risk assessment before initiating any cleaning process. This involves identifying potential hazards associated with the cleaning procedure, such as electrical risks and working at heights. By systematically addressing these risks, Cater Clean 24 Seven ensures a safe and controlled environment for its cleaning teams.

Furthermore, BSEHV11 outlines the importance of using appropriate equipment and techniques during the cleaning process. Cater Clean 24 Seven invests in state-of-the-art cleaning equipment and employs advanced methodologies to guarantee thorough and effective cleaning. This not only enhances the safety of the kitchen environment but also contributes to the overall efficiency of the kitchen extract system.

TR/19 and NAAD21 Guidelines: Precision in Kitchen Extract Cleaning

TR/19 (Internal Cleanliness of Ventilation Systems) and NAAD21 (National Association of Air Duct Cleaners) guidelines are essential references in the field of ventilation system hygiene, providing detailed recommendations for the inspection and cleaning of ventilation systems. Cater Clean 24 Seven aligns its practices with these guidelines to ensure a thorough and precise cleaning process.

TR/19, published by the Building Engineering Services Association (BESA), specifically focuses on kitchen extract systems, emphasising the need for regular inspections and cleanings to prevent the accumulation of grease, which poses fire hazards. Cater Clean 24 Seven incorporates TR/19 guidelines into its cleaning protocols, ensuring that every nook and cranny of kitchen extract systems is thoroughly cleaned to eliminate grease and other contaminants. This meticulous approach not only enhances safety but also contributes to the overall efficiency of the ventilation system.

NAAD21, on the other hand, provides industry-accepted guidelines for the inspection and cleaning of HVAC systems. Cater Clean 24 Seven extends its commitment to excellence by integrating NAAD21 guidelines into its broader approach to ventilation system cleaning. This comprehensive strategy ensures that the company’s services align with both national and international standards, offering clients a level of quality that goes beyond local regulations.

Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Regulations:

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in the UK plays a pivotal role in establishing and enforcing regulations to safeguard the well-being of workers and the public. Cater Clean 24 Seven acknowledges the significance of complying with HSE regulations in the provision of kitchen extract cleaning services.

HSE places particular emphasis on the prevention of fire hazards arising from the accumulation of grease and contaminants in ventilation systems. Cater Clean 24 Seven, in alignment with HSE regulations, incorporates thorough risk assessments into its service offerings. This proactive approach not only ensures compliance but also enhances the safety of kitchen operations.

Cater Clean 24 Seven prioritises the use of eco-friendly and non-toxic cleaning agents in line with HSE guidelines. This commitment to environmental responsibility not only adheres to regulatory standards but also reflects the company’s dedication to sustainability.

Our technicians have successfully met the Health and Safety Standards specific to our sector, known as BSEBSE01. Our company is committed to continuous development programs, ensuring that our technicians consistently adhere to National Occupational Standards. We conduct regular monitoring to assess their competence, ensuring compliance with industry requirements.

Furthermore, Cater Clean 24 Seven recognises the importance of proper documentation and record-keeping, as emphasised by the HSE. Detailed records of cleaning activities, risk assessments, and safety measures taken are maintained, ensuring transparency and accountability. This commitment to documentation not only meets regulatory requirements but also serves as a testament to Cater Clean 24 Seven’s dedication to excellence in its operations.

Building Regulations:

In addition to industry-specific standards, Cater Clean 24 Seven recognises the significance of adhering to broader building regulations to ensure the overall safety and functionality of commercial kitchens. The Building Safety Act 2022, which came into effect in the UK, places a heightened emphasis on the safety of buildings and their occupants. Cater Clean 24 Seven aligns its operations with the Act’s provisions to contribute to the overall safety of the built environment.

The Act places responsibilities on duty holders, including those responsible for the maintenance and cleanliness of ventilation systems. Cater Clean 24 Seven takes a proactive stance by working closely with building owners and managers to ensure that its cleaning services align with the requirements of the Building Safety Act 2022. This collaborative approach not only enhances compliance but also contributes to the overall safety culture within the commercial kitchen space.


In conclusion, Cater Clean 24 Seven’s commitment to adhering to The National Occupation Standards BSEHV11, TR/19 and NAAD21 guidelines, HSE standards, and the Building Safety Act 2022 reflects its dedication to excellence in kitchen extract cleaning. By integrating these standards and guidelines into its practices, Cater Clean 24 Seven not only meets the industry benchmarks but also sets a higher standard for safety, cleanliness, and customer satisfaction in commercial kitchens across the United Kingdom. As the industry evolves, Cater Clean 24 Seven remains at the forefront, continuously refining its processes to uphold the highest standards in kitchen extract cleaning.


What is kitchen extract cleaning, and why is it essential for commercial kitchens?

Kitchen extract cleaning involves the thorough cleaning of ventilation systems in commercial kitchens, specifically targeting areas such as ducts, hoods, and fans. It is essential to remove grease and other contaminants, preventing fire hazards, maintaining air quality, and ensuring optimal kitchen performance.

How often should kitchen extract cleaning be performed?

The frequency of kitchen extract cleaning depends on factors such as the type of cooking and volume of usage.

Duct Cleaning Table

How does Cater Clean 24 Seven ensure the safety of its cleaning processes?

Cater Clean 24 Seven prioritises safety through rigorous risk assessments before each cleaning project. The company invests in continuous training for its staff, ensures the use of appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), and adheres to Health and Safety Executive (HSE) standards.

What are TR/19 and NAAD21, and why are they significant in kitchen extract cleaning?

TR/19 (Internal Cleanliness of Ventilation Systems) and NAAD21 (National Air Duct Cleaners Association) are guidelines that provide standards for the inspection and cleaning of ventilation systems. They offer industry-accepted practices to ensure the thorough and precise cleaning of kitchen extracts, contributing to safety and efficiency.

How does Cater Clean 24 Seven incorporate eco-friendly practices into its cleaning services?

Cater Clean 24 Seven prioritises environmental responsibility by using eco-friendly cleaning agents. This minimises the environmental impact of its operations, aligning with both regulatory requirements and a broader commitment to sustainability.

How does Cater Clean 24 Seven stay informed about evolving industry standards?

Cater Clean 24 Seven invests in continuous training programs for its staff, ensuring they stay abreast of the latest industry standards and safety protocols. Regular health and safety audits are conducted to identify areas for improvement and ensure ongoing compliance.

Can Cater Clean 24 Seven tailor its services to meet specific kitchen requirements?

Yes, Cater Clean 24 Seven understands that different kitchens have unique needs. The company works closely with clients to tailor its cleaning services to specific requirements, ensuring a customised and effective approach.

How does kitchen extract cleaning contribute to fire prevention?

Accumulated grease within kitchen extract systems poses a significant fire hazard. Regular cleaning removes grease deposits, reducing the risk of fire and ensuring a safer kitchen environment for both staff and patrons.

What steps should a commercial kitchen take to prepare for kitchen extract cleaning?

Commercial kitchens should coordinate with Cater Clean 24 Seven to schedule cleaning at times that least disrupt kitchen operations. Additionally, ensuring clear access to the ventilation system and securing the necessary permits for service are essential steps.

Is Cater Clean 24 Seven compliant with local building regulations in the areas it serves?

Yes, Cater Clean 24 Seven aligns its operations with local building regulations and the Building Safety Act 2022. The company collaborates with building owners and managers to ensure compliance and contribute to the overall safety culture within commercial kitchens.

If you would like to reduce your fire risks alongside the potential to lower your insurance premium, then please contact us on 0203 6408 247.

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